WRDA Results Archive

 Welsh Sports & Saloon Car Champions Gallery


2001 Welsh Sports & Saloon Car Championship

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 Terry Brown wins the championship, and sets first sub-60 seconds lap time! Starts the year with a Skoda Special with a 5 Litre Chevy V8 and ends it with a LM3000 with a 2.9 Ford V6! Geraint Rees, Keith White, Fabio Lufferrelli & Patrick Havill make their debuts.  Welsh  Championship entries drop to a low level for Pembrey June 23/24 races and the Angelsey meeting ! The WRDA holds 2nd Clubman's Race meeting on June 9th and is successful in achieving an upgrade to be able hold a National B race meeting, but after changes at end of season AGM, does not hold anymore race meetings as focus shifts to building race entry levels back up!


  BARC Pembrey 7 & 8th April.PDF

  WRDA June Newsletter with Jun 9th Race Reports.PDF Silverstone round abandoned after incident in an earlier race!

  9th June WRDA Results Pembrey.PDF

  JCC Pembrey 10th June.PDF

  BARC Pembrey 23 & 24th June.PDF

   1st September Pembrey.PDF    Autumn WRDA newsletter cover.PDF

 Mallory Park result 7th October.PDF

  BARC Pembrey 20 -21st October.PDF   For race report see  http://www.wrda.co.uk/history/2001.htm

 2001 WRDA end of season.newsletter with Race & AGM Reports + PDF 


  2001 Final Points.PDF   2001Pembrey Class Lap Records.PDF


Other items

   June 9th post-race debrief mins.PDF  June 9th WRDA post-Event Lettter.PDF  June 9th WRDA MSA upgrading let.PDF 

 June 9th WRDA post upgrading letters.PDF


   9th June WRDA Clubmans Programme Pembrey.PDF   9th June WRDA Pembrey Event Full Results.PDF  

Neil Shanahan Trophy Letter.PDF  Neil Shanahan race winner in 1998

   9th June WRDA Results Pembrey.PDF

  June 9th WRDA Startline Sign on.PDF

  June 9th WRDA signed cover.PDF

  June 9th WRDA Drivers Signing on.PDF

  June 9th WRDA Event Admin.PDF

  June 9th WRDA Event Signing on.PDF

   9th June SRs & entry form.pdf    June 9th Final Instructions.PDF