WRDA Results Archive


last update 12/01/2014


1995 WRDA Welsh Open Single Seater Race

The 1995 Welsh Open Championship was won by Eddie McLurg. Class B winner was Charles Jaffary  

 Photo Gallery Left to right :- Eddie McLurg March F822 + son Kevin Minardi M283 - Ron Cummings March 832 - 2nd overall

Charles Jaffray Vauxhall Lotus Class B - Kevin Linforth - Anson SA4 2nd Class B

(N.B The Anson was designed by Gary Anderson, who then designed the Jordan F1 cars and is now a BBC commentator)


  17 Sept Welsh Open Championship Progarmme & Results Pembrey.PDF

1995 Welsh Formula Ford Championship


1995 Welsh Formula Ford 1600 Regulations.PDF 

Robin Parsons

Winner of the 1995 WRDA Welsh Formula Ford Championship


  9th April '95 Pembey F Ford 1600.PDF

 20th May Pembey F Ford 1600.PDF

  5th Aug Pembey Welsh F Ford 1600.PDF

  20 Aug Pembey Welsh F Ford 1600.PDF

  23-24 Sept Welsh F Ford Pembrey.PDF

Left to right

Richard Carter 2nd Overall

 Stephen Carter 3rd

    Paul Barnes winner Class B