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Round 6 Saturday 7th June Pembrey

Entry and Practice

Another practice session and another pole for Terry Brown. Terry's’ record of pole position at Pembrey now stretches so far back I cant remember who else other than Terry last had pole! That will take a trip to the archives. However behind Terry there was plenty of change with some absent friends, some new faces and some welcome returns.

2nd on the grid was Peter Williams who took the C Class pole from Huw Williams with Richard Rozhon 4th. However with Clive and Cindy tied down in St Davids with a mountain of work, and Mark Thomas and Jamie Davies on duty elsewhere, that was it for the Radical runners. Next up in 5th place it was a welcome return for Alvin Powell, who was only 4/1000ths slower than Richards time!! Next up was Rhys Lloyd who was well to the fore as the leading small saloon. Rhys was left without his regular sparring partner Rhodri Jenkins who was taking some time off to be with his daughter Victoria who is sadly feeling a bit under weather lately. Obviously we all hope Victoria will soon be well on the road to recovery.

Behind Rhys we had a newcomer Jon Wolfe with a famous name and a nice car in a TR7 V8, who rumbled around in 69.932, which must have inspired Peter Salter and his Rover 216 GTi to break the 70 sec barrier with a time of 69.977 secs.

Behind Peter in 9th was Nigel Bowen, another welcome returnee, who had Andrew Williams in close attendance. Also tied together again were Lee David and Anthony Allitt, proving once again that it does not matter what you drive or who you are, you can always find someone to race with, in the Welsh Championship.

Practice Times on MST

 Saturday 7th June - The Race – 15 minutes

The Jaguar Car Club always try to give value for money and a 15 minute race was a nice stretch from the usual 10 lapper. With a number of Caterhams joining us for a run out there was a pleasing 17 cars on the grid (with our absentees we could have been close to a maximum grid)

In the end whether its 10 laps or 15 minutes the bare facts confirm it was another win for Terry Brown, but it was almost Peter Williams' day as Terry made a hash of his start and for the first time in over a year he wasn't the man in the lead as they came around Hatchets. Terry explained "As I let the clutch in I could feel the chain chatter so I had to back right off and Peter shot into the lead, but once I got going I could keep up." However it was all over by the paddock turn, as the leaders encountered a line of oil dropped during an earlier race.

Peter confirmed ruefully "I went to go on the outside of the line but that was a mistake" Terry went for the inside and to his suprise found himself in the lead! "I said to Peter afterwards I thought I'd given it to him on a plate, so I was suprised to get into the lead. Afterwards I checked the chain and it was stretched like elastic!"  Even so Peter had the consolation of 2nd place overall and some useful class points. Huw Williams made it a Radical Prosport 1-2-3, but Richard Rhozon was only a fraction behind in his Clubsport. 1 lap down in 5th & 6th SEMSEC pair Stephen Storey and Marcus Thomas had a close Caterham battle. In 8th place behind Graham Booths Caterham, Nigel Bowen raked up the Class E points after Alvin Powell stopped on his last lap with a box full of neutrals.

Whilst Nigel Bowen was powering his BTCC Vauxhall Cavalier to Class E victory and first Saloon home, behind him Rhys Lloyd was giving Jon Wolfe and hisTR7 V8 plenty of attention and finished less than a second behind having set identical fastest lap times at 1:09.267! Peter Salter was 12th ahead of Rhodri Hughes BMW 325i Sport who had Andy Williams Ford Sierra Sapphire close behind. Ron Watson brought his Mini in ahead of the battling pair of Lee David and Anthony Allitt. Lee is now thinking of trading in Golf Gti for something more potent but he has certainly gained some valuable experience with his little red machine.

So it was another race and another win for Terry but as he said with a smile as he received the winners trophy from the Jaguar Car Club "Well I did give Peter the opportunity. It was wide open for him"

 Full Results on MST

Round 7