THE 2015 Welsh Saloon & Sports Car Championship
Hello All, Excellent news!
2015 Race Entry Fee
Grid size - rebate
16 cars - £15 rebate
17 cars - £35 rebate
18 cars - £50 rebate
19 cars - £65 rebate
20 cars - £80 rebate
21 cars - £90 rebate
22 cars - £100 rebate
23 cars - £110 rebate
24 cars - £120 rebate
25 cars - £125 rebate
26 cars - £130 rebate
27 cars - £140 rebate
28 cars - £145 rebate
Over 28 cars - £150 rebate
Hi all. Just to clarify, we have excellent news
about the rebate scheme for 2015 which will be applied for all Pembrey meetings
in 2015 PLUS Castle Combe! This year, rebates start when we get grids of 16 cars
or over. When we get over 28 cars, the net cost per competitor come down to just
£150, which frankly is incredible! Best value in UK. BUT we need your help! Get
in your £300 initial entry fee per meeting AS SOON AS YOU CAN, as this year we
have some payments to be made up front. We're counting on you!
*DON’T FORGET - to do this we need all of you to encourage as many as
possible of your racing friends to enter, and we need you all to enter well in
advance of the meetings. If you do that, then you will get the BEST VALUE
RACING IN THE UK!! So, as last year, please enter well in advance, and make sure
we receive your payment of £300 well in advance of the first meeting. NB
Please help us by using BACS/Internet Banking to make your payment!
Bank Transfer Details.
HSBC Account Name
WSSCC Account No.
22724847 Sort Code
Rebates from the 1st meeting can be applied to the 2nd
meeting and so on, or you can pay £300 for each meeting and have your rebate for
the whole season after the last meeting. Your choice!!
Where else would you get such flexibility! We look forward to your continued
support in 2014.
Good luck, and get registered ASAP! All the forms you need are here on the web
If you cant download, let me know and I can e-mail them; or even post them!
Best Regards Alan