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Round 3 of the 2015 Welsh Sports
& Saloon Championship
Pembrey Sunday 24th May
report and photos by Rob Allender
Entry & Practice

Nick Holden - Ariel Atom - Nick was up and at
There was a pleasing number of
Pembrey & Championship debutants among the entries for Pembreys
first race meeting of the year. It was the 3rd
round of the championship as the 2015 season had already started
with 2 races at Castle Combe on Easter Monday.
On this weekend, Saturday had been nice &
sunny, but the forecast for Sunday included rain, but more of
that later.
After a dry practice session, on Pole was
the 2014 Champion Keith White and his BMW Z4 silhouette with a
time of 61.037 seconds but alongside, and completing a Class D
front row lock-out, was Nick Holden, whose Ariel Atom was making
it’s Championship debut at Pembrey! Martin Davies
was 3rd fastest and the leading Class CS runner and
had fellow Pembrokeshire lad Ken James alongside with his Loco
Hornet . 5th fastest was Glynne
Jones who had his BMW 320 really flying, and was joined
by West Wales fresh air lover Damian Longotano and his Westfield
in 6th place making it 4 class CS runners in a row!
7th fastest was Sam Summerhayes
and his flying Class AT Citroen Saxo (although he did bash the
Armco during the session) , & he had Mike Edgell with his
classic (Class AS)Mini alongside.
The flying Nick Rocke and his Class BT
leading Ford Fiesta Mk 4 was 9th fastest and Josh
Wright was having a fine Championship debut with 10th
in his Renault Megane.
11th was Dave Scaramanga, (Class
CS). Dave was noted in the programme as
driving a VW Sirocco but was in fact using a
VW Vento as he is saving the Sirocco for other duties, and he
had Roger Dowdens’ Class AS Davrian alongside.
2013 Champion Chris Morris was 13th
with his Class AS Ignis and he was only a few 10ths behind
Roger. Alongside was Peter Hills completing the Class AS runners
with his Mini. There was some doubt that Peter could make it
into the race after he found his oil cooler had split. However
Nick Rocke generously donated one he had spare to
get Peter out! Well done Nick!
On Row 8, were Class BT runners Giles Beck
(BMW 318) and Susanne Jones (Lotus Elise). Suzie thought she was
having problems as she couldn’t find any grip! However she was
relieved to find after asking around that the ‘problem’ was just
the normal horrible Truck meeting track conditions!
Row 9 was also a
BT row with Dan Burt (Punto) and Colin Dunn (Clio)who was
making his race debut.
Row 10 saw the final BT runners Tyrone
Lufferelli (Peugeot 106 GTi) &
Daryl Radford (Honda Civic)
Daryl was another driver making his debut
at Pembrey, as were the Class AT runners Andrew K Williams MG ZR
and Holly Welch (Rover 200)on the final row!
Missing out were Huw Morgan & Fabio
Lufferelli who both damaged their cars on Saturday . Also ruled
out were Andy Williams as he was still waiting for his engine to
be repaired after his Castle Combe blow up.
Race 1 – 15 minutes + 1
Although the track was dry for the morning
practice, some light drizzle began to fall, and as it neared
lunch-time it had intensified such a degree that the track
looked fairly wet, and then the rain stopped! So with the Welsh
Championship runners due to be the first race on the wet track,
the slick verse wets gamble was on! Keith White decided to
gamble on the track drying later on, and started on slicks.
However both Nick Holden & Martin Davies decided that wets were
best, and there were similar gambles
throughout the Slick classes. In the best position were those in
the Treaded tyre Classes as there only choice was to go for new
tyres or stick with the same set. As the lights changed Keith
had Nick & Martin all over him, and Nick was the first into
Dibeni, but Martin was in no mind to hang about, and took the lead
at the Paddock turn and drew away from Nick. Meanwhile Keith and
all the slick tyre runners, were having to tiptoe around the
wetter parts of the circuit! Having taken the lead, Martin was
using all his wet weather driving skill and the advantages of
the 4 wheel drive in his Ford Sierra Sapphire to put himself as
far away from Nick and Keith as he could! At the start of lap 2
he was almost 3 seconds ahead of Nick and almost 6 ahead of
Keith. However unknown to the leaders, there was some mayhem on
the exit to Dibeni on lap 1, with too many cars trying to use the
same part of the track! Unfortunately Damian found his Westfield
cannoning about from one car to another and his stricken car
speared off the track with a broken front wishbone (and some
chassis damage). Josh Wright spun round to face the wrong way
but Roger Dowden took to the grass as he tried to avoid it all,
but ended up doing more pirouettes than
Darcey Bussell in Swan Lake! ‘The grass was wet and was
no grip from the slicks!’ Josh sorted himself out but with
Damian and his Westfield stranded on the outside of Dibeni, the
organisers decided to Red Flag the race. This meant a complete
re-grid, which was a relief to Glynne Jones as he was so late
getting his car ready for the first start, that he had to start
from the pit-lane but he was now able to take his proper place
on the grid! However as they recovered Damians car and started
to reassemble the grid, Martin & Nick could see their best
chances evaporate as the track began to dry in front of their
Race 1 – restart
So Rhodri Jenkins, the weekends’ pace car
driver, brought the grid around for the restart, and Martin
Davies again made the best of the conditions to lead from Nick &
Keith. Even a drying track wasn’t going to deny Martin and he
held sway in the early laps, although with Nick & Keith in very
close company, with the three of them stretching away from the rest.
Martin gained some relief when they started to lap the
backmarkers as he sliced his way through, playing a high speed
game of ‘hide & seek’.
In the meantime as the sun peeped through,
a dry line began to appear and Keiths’ slicks were
coming in and he made his move on Nick on lap 7 and then began
to reel in Martin. However Martin was in no mood to give up
easily and held off some determined efforts by Keith until lap
10. Later, as Martins’ heavy metal Sapphire began to use up his
wet tyres on the drying track, Nick was able to over- take on
lap 13 to take 2nd place as his lighter car had not
over-stressed his wets so much. With the race in 2 parts, there
was only time for 14 laps for the three leaders,
who by then had lapped everyone else!
In 4th place Ken James had Sam
Summerhayes, Dave Scaramanga, Roger Dowden &
Mike Edgell for company early on. Dave passed Sam
after an epic dice, to settle into 5th position
and Mike passed Sam and Roger for 6th and the Class
AS win behind Ken and Dave, with all 3 of them a
only few seconds apart at the end! Sam settled into 7th
place and the Class AT win ahead of Glynne Jones in 8th!
Roger Dowden finished 9th after a late race duel with
Josh Wright & his Megane, with less ½ second
between them at the end! Peter Hills was 11th and was
3rd in Class AS.
Now if Mike Edgell won Class AS and Roger
Dowden was 2nd and Peter Hills was 3rd,
what happened to Chris Morris? Well thereby hangs a tale! Chris
was 13th fastest in practice, and although there was
only 7/10ths of a second separating him from Mike Edgell that
space was filled with 5 cars! Chris had a slow start which
allowed Peter Hills to jump him, although he got that place back
fairly quickly, and eventually reeled in Roger Dowden, Mike
Edgell was well in the distance! Chris decided he needed to do
something fairly drastic about trying to close the gap on Mike,
which included trying to take Honda Curve in 5th
gear, instead of his normal dab and shift down! Chris wryly
commented afterwards ‘It didn’t work!’ The result can be seen on
Chris’ in-car video
. Chris got sideways and onto the grass on the inside, but
collected it up and missed the barrier, but the grassy moment
had torn off the left side splitter and bodywork, which tucked
under the car and made such a horrible noise that Chris pulled
off to save what he could. So it was a rare DNF for Chris, but
he was able to fix it back together with a roll of Lidls clear
tape to get back out for race 2 (Chris wasn’t the only one
needing a few rolls of tape to cover up some body damage!)
Susanne Jones was the only other non-finisher after a grassy
moment on lap 2 ‘I ran out of talent’ was her own
assessment, however this was when the track was the wettest!
Nick Rocke, who won Class AT,
had an excellent start and was as high as 10th
on the first lap but settled down into 12th place.
However Nick had Daryl Radford right on his bumper in the late
laps, with just 1/10ths of a second separating them
at the end. Nick had played his Joker (as did Keith White) so
was able to double his points, which was excellent news for him
and Keith, but bad news for Craig Wright the points leader after
Combe who wasn’t racing this weekend! Giles
Beck was 14th after an early dice with Peter Hills
and Daryl Radford. Dan Burt was 15th.
Tyrone Lufferelli and Colin Dunn had a tight
battle for 16th & 17th with the places going one way
and then the next as the race wore on. Andrew K Williams was 18th
and Holly Welch was the last finisher in 19th place.
So Keith White ran out the winner, his
gamble on slicks having paid off, but it was far from easy ‘That
was too close! It was very tricky early on. In fact, at first I
could see Nick and Martin going away and I thought, this will be
a good gap to close when it dries! So the red
flag came at the right time for me! Even so
it wasn’t easy!’
N.B All items on this site and in these reports are designed to
convey the fun and excitement of motor sport, and should be
viewed in this context only.
Full results are on