Some advice from Paul
Flinders on Buying, Fitting or using HANS devises for 2016
Race season.
During the recent WRDA AGM a
lengthy discussion took place regarding what some
competitors considered were potential issues regarding HANS
devises, which become compulsory in circuit racing (and
other motorsport) from Jan 2016. (What is the
difference between an FHR and a HANS device? Well, quite
simply, very little! FHR stands for ‘frontal head restraint’
– and from now on is the name you’re probably going to see
used most often when referring to the device that used to be
known as a HANS (head and neck support). HANS is now a
trademarked term – so only certain manufacturers are allowed
to use it. It’s really the same thing as asking “what’s the
difference between a Hoover and a vacuum cleaner?” )
The following is some general
guidance which we hope may help competitors, even if you
have already bought and/or are using a HANS device.
There are several designs of
the HANS devise, deciding which is right for you is a
personal choice, best advice is to try before you buy
to identify the best fit, price and comfort for you.

The Simpson HANS devise
Pricing for a HANS devise vary
from £200 to well over £1,000. The main thing to consider is
that they have all passed FIA approval and perform the same
basic function of restraining you head in an impact.
It is important to get the
right size (typically medium or large) and correct angle to
suit your seating position (typically 10,20,30 or 40 deg),
check with manufacturers specification to help make the
right choice.
A club spec HANS
the most important item to ensure your HANS devise functions
correctly, fits correctly and passes scrutineering !
Important: Your old harness
fitting locations may not be suitable for your new
HANS devise.
Some potential issues:
Belts which seem to slide
off the shoulders when wearing the HANS devise.
Belt sizes 3” or 2” as some
HANS devises seem to hold 2” shoulder straps better than
they hold 3” shoulder straps.
Some belts are sold as HANS
compatible, some even have shoulder straps which go from 3”
to 2” over the shoulder before returning to 3”
Belts potentially sliding
off the shoulders of the HANS devise:
This is most likely due to one
or more reasons, the most likely is that the rear shoulder
strap fixing locations are not optimised for the HANS
devise, the MSA 2016 yearbook shows in section (K) drawing
number 39 the new requirements.
However, you have to look to
the FIA to get a fuller appreciation of the fitting (in
my opinion anyway!). As whilst the angle from the
horizontal is important the spacing between the seat
centreline and fixing point is very important in getting the
belt fitting correct in association with the HANS devise.
FIA Institute (Guide for
the use of HANS)
The shoulder strap
anchorage points on the car shall be symmetrical about the
centre line of the driver's seat. When viewed from above,
the angle between the belts shall be approximately 200-250
as shown in Figure below

As you can see, should you
have a saloon race car, it can become necessary to actually
cross over the rear straps to achieve the required fitting.
other factors which can contribute to the sliding shoulder
belt situation, is not tightening your belts up enough.
Whilst a bad practice there are drivers who prefer not to
race with tighter belts! Your HANS devise will not be as
effective if you do not fully tighten your belts.
When getting in to your race
car and whilst arranging your belts the shoulder straps can
slide off your shoulders/HANS devise as you are tightening
them up, a good design on some HANS devises is the
which help hold your belts in position as you adjust them,
some other designs have various methods of making the belt
grip to the HANS device during this process. Check for this
when inspecting the various options available.
This style has useful wings
on the shoulders to help retain shoulder straps whilst
getting yourself strapped in to your race car.
The belt size, in particular shoulder straps & HANS
use only belts
Harness are FIA homologated with the standard shoulder
strap width of 75mm (3”), as well as a special width of 50mm
(2”) marked “for HANS use only”. Some HANS belts also have a
reduced width over the shoulder area of 2” whilst the rest
of the shoulder belt is 3”.
Your standard homologated belts with 2” or 3” shoulder
straps are suitable for the vast majority of HANS devises on
the market, but please check before buying that your choice
does not need to have the belts “for HANS use only”
Some very specialised motorsport HANS devises can have
dual belts one body belt running under the HANS devise
between the devise and your shoulders and a second belt
which runs over the HANS devise and has independent
anchoring points on the race car.
It is anticipated that scrutineers will be taking
particular notice next year (2016) not just that your HANS
and helmet are OK, but that the belt fixing locations
are correct.
Disclaimer: This article is
written in good faith and the author has no affiliation to
any HANS manufacturer. Please follow each manufacturers
published specifications, installation and use guides etc.
in association with the MSA 2016 Year book (blue book) and
FIA for international events.