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last update 22/04/2015


To all WRDA members & WSSCC competitors, from Robert Allender

Hi, You may already know that I retired from work recently after reaching age 65, and although I am enjoying not working, it has also allowed me to reflect on my non-work commitments. Specifically my role(s) as Secretary & Treasurer within the Welsh Racing Drivers Association & the Welsh Sports & Saloon Car Championship. To cut a long story short, I have been Secretary & Treasurer continuously since 1981 (i.e 35 years) and although I have thoroughly enjoyed my time doing all this, I felt that now was the right time to tell the Committee of my desire to stand down. Not only because 35 years is a long period of service, but also I would still have time to mentor & support anyone who wished to take over the role(s) I have been doing. The committee, whilst understanding my reasoning for taking a step back, felt I could still contribute something to the club, and have offered me the chance to become ‘*Life President’ , which I have accepted  (My wife Marion, whose support has been invaluable to  me, and who is nominally Treasurer, would then become a Vice-President). Whilst feeling flattered by this offer we feel it will give me/us the chance to continue to be involved with the WRDA & WSSCC in a new & exciting way.

All this will be subject to approval by the members at the AGM, but in short this means that there are vacancies in the post of

Secretary (I have combined that role with that of Membership Secretary, but that could available if anyone was interested)

& Treasurer.

Ruth Phillips is currently shadowing my roles to see which one is suitable for her.

However some more volunteers are needed, for these & future roles.

Don’t be worried or shy, we will be there to support you.

*N.B We have agreed that the maximum length of service for me as ‘Life President’ shall be for a term of 15 years. i.e until 2030, by which time (if god grants me) I will be 80 years old! BTW One of the things traditional things a President does is to nominate a charity of the club to support and to also introduce a ‘Presidents Cup’ for noteworthy performances in the year, more info on those items later. Regards Robert