2012 WRDA News
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Tom Pryce Memorial in Ruthin -photos & report By Robert Allender
self-respecting race fan should visit the Tom Pryce Memorial in Ruthin, anytime
they are on the way to Anglesey or Oulton Park or just visiting North Wales. Tom
was one of the most spectacular racers of his generation and as well as winnnng
the non-championship F1 Race of Champions at Brands Hatch, he had two Grand Prix
podium places. Also he was on pole for the 1976 British Grand Prix, and led two
laps before a torrential rain storm caught him out and he crashed. (A short time
later the race was stopped when most of the rest of the cars went off too!). He
was noted as a best driver when the track was wet and was fastest in the wet 1st
practice session, on the day before his last Grand Prix in South Africa in 1977,
when he was killed after hitting a marshal who was running across the track with
a fire extinguisher. The marshal sadly also died. The memorial is in the centre
of Ruthin a nice town in North Wales, and is very tastefullly done by the local
artist Neil Dalrymple (dedication & plaque at the foot of the page)
(If you want more on Tom see the link at the end of this article and the book from Haynes, The Lost Generation)
What they said about Tom
Alan Henry –journalist “Tom was certainly quick enough to go all the way in the
sport. It would just have been a matter of calming himself down and getting the
right equipment”
James Hunt after Tom had passed away “It makes me
extremely angry when we lose drivers of the calibre of Tom. People do not listen
enough to the drivers, yet we are the ones who take the greatest risks”
http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/northeast/guides/halloffame/sport/tom_pryce.shtml Excellent Tom Pryce tribute site!