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Welsh Racer on the right track

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WRDA member Richard Singleton, continued his points scoring form in the latest rounds of the Renault UK Championship at the high speed Thruxton circuit on Sunday 6th May. Having taken the THB Clowes Driver of the Day award at the last round Singleton has already established himself as the fastest of the Manor Competition teams’ 4 drivers, but he made things difficult for himself in the first of the weekends’ 2 races, after qualifying in 7th place. "I stalled at the start of the green flag lap and got away last, but I caught the pack and made my way to start from my original grid position. I thought that was what you were allowed to do, but I was wrong and I was given a drive through penalty!" The time lost by driving through the pit lane at the comparatively pedestrian pit lane speed limit, cost him dearly and he was 19th and last by the time he got back on the track. That was the cue for a great comeback drive around the high speed sweeps of Thruxton Circuit with Richard powering through the field to finish 9th, having overtaken all 3 of his teammates in the process!

Things weren’t too much better at the start of race 2 but at least Singleton managed to get away in his allotted 6th place "I got boxed in and lost 3 places all at once, so I had to work on it and pick them off one by one" Richard even made a profit on the transaction coming home in 5th place just behind the AKA Cobra Team car of Adam Christodoulou, with another AKA Car in 3rd and 2 cars from the Fortec team 1st and 2nd with Dean Smith winning both races. Singelton summed up "It was a good weekend, I enjoyed it, and we are making progress with the car bit by bit. The next race is at Croft on 2/3rd June and I’ve gone well there in the past."

The points scored has helped to cement Richard into 6th place in the overall championship only 17 points behind 5th place and only 22 points behind 4th place with 14 rounds still to go. He is also 3rd in the Graduate Class for drivers under 21, with only 34 points separating him from points leader Adam Christodoulou, and his brother Riki Christodoulou who is 2nd in the class, and his following nis stunning drive in racc 1, Richard was again  given The THB Clowes Driver of the Day award. 
