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Whale & Dolphin Watching Boat Trips

CSCC Classic & Jaguar Meeting Brands Hatch 5th May

Qualifying was uneventful with Graham Cole taking pole from Alexis, with Peter Williams 3rd place in a 23 car combined SEMSEC & WRDA entry.

The Race -  20 laps of the Indy Circuit

Graham made a disastrous start " not concentrating" he told the commentator allowing local man Mark Burton ( Jade ) to out-drag Alexis in to Paddock Hill. However Mark went for a Burton on lap 2 handing the lead to Alexis. By this time Graham was on a mission, carving his way through the field and eventually catching and passing Alexis. But Alexis wasn't giving up and briefly re took the lead Graham got past again and there was a very good close battle for a few laps before Graham was able to pull away in the closing minutes. The dicing was very close and thoroughly enjoyed by the few spectators but it was a bit too close for the Clerk of Course who called Graham up at the end. Asking did he know the Driver of car 81 Graham not remembering it was Alexis, said he didn't know, but what was the drivers name?. The CoC then mentioned Alexis by name and Graham replied "I should do, he is my son", at this stage the Clerk lost interest.

Peter had a good strong drive to 3rd after a short Dice with guest Leigh Parkes who won the Guests Plaque.

Doug Bowkett and Marc Nicholson started off dicing with one of the local SEMSEC guys , Doug was through first and pulled away and had a good drive catching Andy Williams, who was as usual leading class C, if it hadn't been for the traffic we may have seen a battle for the Class C lead. Such was Doug's drive that our Panel of Experts ( the Ladies ) voted Doug Driver of The Day. Andy was again strong and almost caught the mighty V8 Audi Star of Keith whose tyres were going off towards the end of the race.

Marc eventually got past the local man and pulled away, he was happy with his race as he kept Andy in his sights for a while. He still has mods to do with the car and expects to get faster.

Adrian had his Striker for this round as the ADR has not recovered from its ills at Pembrey. Poor Ginger Marshal wasn't able to start after a strong qualifying. He experienced ignition problems on the green flag lap with the car cutting out. This seems to be an intermittent problem they have had for some time and he was afraid to go on the grid and have the car cut out, so retired on grounds of safety.


Results and times from
