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Whale & Dolphin Watching Boat Trips

Autosport show report & pictures

The WSSCC stand at the Autopsort Show was good, with a lot of positive interest which I think will translate into some registrations.

The site in the Club Motor Sport area was the only place to be. Many thanks to Clive and Cindy who did a super job arriving on Wednesday not knowing what to expect and did sterling work to get the stand ready. Also many thanks to Alexis Cole who lent us his car at very short notice on Wednesday night. So you all on track in 2007. The Test day for regsitered championship contenders is 10th March at Pembrey. Contact Alan Jenkins to regsiter now! alan.jenkins1@ntlworld.com Phone /fax 01633 663920 mobile 07753 61708

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Smile - you're on the WRDA stand!


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Alexis spreads the word

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