Hi All, Well for those of you that were at the Manor Parc Hotel on
Saturday night you don't need me to say what a fantastic night it was. So many thanks on
behalf of everyone in
the WRDA to Ken and Jackie Rattenbury for organising a super night.

Happy diners sit down to an excellent 25th Anniversary dinner
The venue was great the meal excellent, Ken's good friend Stan
Stenett provided an outstanding cabaret and Ken also made a huge amount of money for the
championship through a raffle and auction. Again thank you both for your efforts.
The actual proceedings started at 4.00pm with the AGM of the WRDA this was a very formal
affair. With Rhodri standing down as chairman Mike Woods was elected as
the new chairman, so congratulations to Mike and I know he is passionate about the WRDA
and the Championship and will strive to increase the profile of both during his
term of Chairmanship.

The new Chairman Mike Woods holds centre stage
The members present must have been psychic as Ken
Rattenbury was voted in as Social Event Organiser, again congratulations Ken.
Following the WRDA AGM as per normal was the annual WSSCC
Conference when Clive was able to bring us up to speed on potential dates for 2007 and
discuss any
changes for next year.
What I must say at this point that all dates for 2007 are very provisional, but if you
thought that this years away dates were good then Clive Hayes has worked magic for next
Potentially we have Oulton Park, Donnington. Silverstone, Brands Hatch,
Mallory Park and SPA! It is envisaged that there will be 5 double headerrounds at Pembrey with five away rounds which will be more than likely single races. The
SPA event if it comes off will probably be a non championship round.
New for 2007 double points will be awarded for the first and last rounds plus a joker card
that you can play to score double points at a round of your nomination.
Autosport International or if you are as old as me The Racing Car Show. We will have a
stand there of our own and Dave Krayem has volunteered to put the Stealth on the
Stand so that will certainly be an eye catcher. Many thanks Dave. The exact details we
wont know till mid December so will keep you all informed of where we are so you
can all drop in and register for 2007.
That's about it for now will keep you all informed as any news breaks.
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