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WRDA member sets Land Speed Record!

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WRDA member and Welsh Championship contender Richard Rhozon set a new World Land Speed Record at Bruntingthorpe nr Leicester on Wednesday 27/8/03 when he drove the prototype Electron E150 Electric Milk Float at over 73 mph! Richard who is from St Clears nr Pendine in Carmarthenshire said "I was involved with the World Land Speed record attempt at Pendine some time ago with the same people, when I did some of the setting up and fabrication, so when they asked me to do this, I jumped at the chance. You can't turn down the chance of a drive like that! We did hope to reach 100 mph but we had a problem that we couldn't fix on the day. Still we have had lots of interest from the major newspapers, Reuters news agency and BBC and local radio. I know I may take a bit of stick from the lads for this but it was a lot of fun" Well Richard wont get any stick from me as I think it's a great acheivement and a super bit of fun too!

Well done and congratulations!

Milk float races into record books (