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The New Penalty Points Explained

by Alan Jenkins, WRDA member and National A Clerk of the Course

The MSA have held briefing meetings for Clerks of the Course (which they do almost every year) and the big news for this year is that there is a new points system for naughty boys. WRDA member Alan Jenkins, who has been a member of the organising team at all of our race meetings, has put pen to paper (or fingers to keypad) and given us his understanding on how things will run next year. Hopefully most of us will avoid gaining first hand experience of the new system, but it’s nice to be forewarned. (Ed)

For the 2003 season the Judicial Procedure for the recording of license endorsements has been changed in an attempt to make it easier for competitors to understand and officials to implement making it fairer on competitors.

Up to the end of the 2002 season any penalty incurred by a competitor HAD to be recorded on the Competitors license by the Clerk of Course (There was no discretion).

Any Competitor with three endorsements meant suspension of the license and an appearance at an M.S.A Tribunal in Motor Sports House. The endorsement could he for a minor infringement such as jump start or a minor technical ineligibility to a charge of dangerous driving or out and out cheating with a bent engine. Each offence carries an endorsement but there was no flexibility as to the seriousness of the offence.

The new Penalty Points system has been introduced to attempt to overcome these shortcomings after being trailed in Karting and the British Touring Car Championship.

So for the 2003 season, the only Offences that will earn licence endorsements are those in 0. 2,2.l. in the MSA yearbook. I.e

i). Driving Standards; dangerous, reckless careless or breach of E5.1.8 (Driving in a manner in a matter not compatible with general safety).

ii). Safety: Failing to Comply with flag or light signals.

iii) General Conduct: Abuses, assault, or threats of either. Refusal to obey the instructions of an Official. (Remember marshals are officials of the meeting and Clerks take a very Strict stance on abusing or failing to obey marshals ).

The Penalty points incurred will relate to the penalty imposed NOT the offence, so the following will apply.

i) Verbal warning 0 points. Not recorded on the license and no judicial form completed. (In other words the, same as the old fashioned b>>>>>g that you may have had from a Clerk in the past. (if you haven't had an old fashioned b>>>>>g or interview before then count yourself lucky).

ii) Formal written warning. 2 points

iii) Fine, time or place penalty 3 points

iv) Exclusion from heat or race 4 points

v) Exclusion from the meeting 6 points

Should any competitor receive 12 points within a period of 12 months, it will result in the immediate suspension of his/her license for a period of 3 months in addition to any other penalty imposed ( U3 ).

Any other offence may result in a penalty being imposed as per but will not recorded on the competitors license. A Clerk of Course decision sheet will be completed as normal and these will be monitored by the M.S.A, for persistent offenders.

I hope this explanation is of help but if anyone requires any further explanation on this topic or other Blue book matter please give me or any of the other WRDA members listed below. a ring. We are all licensed Clerks and WRDA members. We may not know the answer but as they say in the Ad "we probably know a man who does".

Wishing all championship contenders a happy and sporting season.

Alan Jenkins. (Clerk of Course Race Nat. A ).

If you have any queries contact

Alan Jenkins on 01663 663920 or email

Ken Davies on 01792 232069

Mike Skelton on OI633 770566 or